Patients often ask – How does ‘this’ relate to ‘that’?
Patterns of muscle function and posture can be driven from the top, down to the feet. The body has four parts that are very important in keeping us upright against gravity.
Our Eyes: Which the brain insists must be kept level relative to the horizon.
Our Ears: The little semicircular canals of fluid in each middle ear help us keep our balance.
Head-on-Neck: Muscles which keep our head correctly positioned by working closely with the eye and ears.
Four pair of small muscles with exceptionally high concentrations of special nerve fibers attach to the head and the 1st and 2nd vertebrae to do the job.
Pressure Sensors: Special pressure-sensitive nerves in the soles of our feet and in weight bearing joints (ankles, knees and hips) also provide the brain with information on where our body is in space.
Three of these “righting mechanism” components are in the head and upper neck. That’s why structural cranial therapy can be so effective.